New Offering
Are you looking for a speaker who provides deep insights into his discipline, while making those tenets accessible to his audience? Are you looking for a speaker who will resonate with even the most skeptical faculty members, someone who connects the philosophy of art with real-world significance? Are you looking for someone who within a couple of hours will have a transformative impact? I have known Professor Will Hinton as a friend and colleague for the past 15-years, and he was among the most active and passionate faculty members at the college where we served together. During those years of shared experiences, he brought his academic dreams to fruition.
Using those same keen insights and a genuine passion for his craft, he reaches the soul of his audience, and they are transformed. Over the past seven years at my current institution, no visitor has been better received than Professor Will Hinton, and the lessons he taught us are still the topics of impromptu conversation and reflection. I cannot overstate the value he brings to his audience…an unique knack for intertwining art with philosophical tenets and issues that we are facing in contemporary society…he makes you think of timeless topics anew, and brings momentum, a sense of purpose, and a renewed feeling of vitality to his audience.
James Eck, PhD; Brenau University
Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs
Professor of Education
SACSCOC Institutional Accreditation Liaison
Brenau University


Will has served as a one-person Art Department, teaching Drawing, Ceramics, Sculpture, Art Appreciation, and serving as Curator of both the Permanent and Travelling Exhibitions Gallery since 1983. He retired in May of 2023.
Hinton has been fortunate to be involved with and play leadership roles in a dozen large scale public Art Works across NC, which range in concept from a 40’ diameter exterior brick and concrete Labyrinth, to an exterior painted 1936 historic 12’ x 16’ mural of downtown Louisburg with actual residents of the day, to a tile mosaic 20’ x 80’ which is the largest depiction of the motto of the State of North Carolina in existence, ESSE QUAM VIDERI: to Be Rather Than to Seem. He also enjoys pursuing intimate, small-scale projects such as still life drawings and functional pottery.
Will grew up in the farmland of northeastern NC in Gates County. His artwork and life philosophy exhibit a profound connection to both a commitment to community, and a sincere empathy and respect for nature he had modeled for him growing up in rural North Carolina.
In the recent past, Will has been instrumental in relocating the confederate monument from the middle of the Louisburg College campus to the historic Oakwood Cemetery.

Beloved LC College Professor Retires After 40 Years
"A dozen years ago, Will Hinton walked into his art studio and chiseled the North Carolina motto out of floor tiles sprinkled with shards of broken dinner plates — a creative task so demanding it required three hours just to carve the letter S..."
Read more at: https://www.newsobserver.com/news/local/article276130631.html#storylink=cpy